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Behold! The image above represents your marketing options for scaling in 2019. With buzzwords like content marketing, video marketing, and social media marketing making the rounds in this day and age, it’s no wonder so many business owners are left dazed and confused. This puts a lot of pressure on someone who is trying to figure out the wide world of marketing and attempting to determine what they should focus on first.
Last week, I caught myself mindlessly scrolling through Netflix. I was unable to make a decision and it reminded me of this image.
I stumbled across this marketing masterpiece a few months back on chiefmartech.com. It makes my stomach turn. The technology, we as advertisers have at our fingertips is impressive yet nauseating. (great art elicits an emotion) Analysis- paralysis plagues everyone in our technology-driven era… especially advertisers. There are so many options just waiting to burn up your time. We yearn to make a decision but want it to actually yield results. The limitless bad choices we could make paralyze us when choosing a movie or your next advertising decision.
No doubt, your big, beautiful mind has served you well. But if your ad campaigns are stuck in any way, it’s likely because you’ve overextended the mind’s role. Curiosity’s insatiable appetite yearns for more and more information and inevitably stalls progress.
Now, the hustle community would have you think “taking action” is the way to win. Back in the good ‘ole days, ads were cheap. The shotgun method worked, not great, but it worked. Back then, you could manufacture a half-baked campaign, test it and it might produce an ROI.
Today, “taking action” sounds all well and good, but if you’re taking action on every… single…. option, you’ll find yourself spread thin, overwhelmed, and fulfilling the outcome you feared.
Today’s funnels, ads, and websites need to be extremely well thought out. The copy from ad to thank you page must be on point and extremely persuasive to yield ROI. Each ad network needs its own special formula to play nicely together.
So what’s the answer?
The only way to break through this endless loop is to get out of the way. You have to hand over the remote control and let someone else choose.
You need to find someone that knows what they are talking about and has done it before. Have them pick the course, make some room, and let them go to work or show you what steps to take.
You’re the bottleneck and the reason you’re having trouble scaling.
I know a little something about this. Because you’ve made it this far down this article, I know I was a lot like you. I’d see an opportunity that could improve my business, I’d harness the skill or technology and look to quickly put that skill into play. I thought the new magic bullet would make my campaigns profitable. I thought the new skill I bought and paid for would be the answer I was looking for to break down my walls. It never was.
I took plenty of “action”. I “hustled”, but lacked focus.I brought my company to its knees and spent less quality time with my family than ever before. After repeated failures, I grew anxious about committing to a direction. The paradox of choice had me in its clutches. I was paralyzed by indecision and thought whatever step I take was going to fail, so why bother?
It wasn't until I met and hired Jason Hornung that I finally broke my pattern. He helped break the vicious cycle. Jason told me what to, what to implement and what to avoid like the plague. Jason helped me navigate the nasty spiderwebs so I could scale. He helped me shut off the distractions and focus on the tasks that WILL yield results.
It was the turning point for my company. We grew under Jason’s care for 2 years. So much so, Jason asked me to become a part of his consulting team.
As you’re well aware, my “situation” is one an entrepreneur is all too familiar with. Breaking through the noise is the only way to scale. If you’re serious about scaling, you need direction. You don’t need to BUY another info course. You don’t need to learn a new network or software, UNLESS… your battle-tested mentor, familiar with YOUR business, is telling you to do so.
Mike Zimov
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