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The Easiest Way To Make $500 A Day With Facebook Ads
In this video, you're going to discover the EASIEST way to make $500 per day with Facebook ads! I'm going to go through a 5 step process that's quite a bit different than what you'll hear from most other people.
So let's go ahead and get right into it!
Proven Offer
If you want to make $500 per day with Facebook ads easily, the first thing that you have to do is you have to start with a proven offer.
What exactly is a proven offer?
It's an offer that has already been selling. It doesn't matter where it's been selling, it doesn't have to be with Facebook ads. It also doesn't have to be with paid traffic. You could have your offer up on Amazon, you could be selling it through referrals. It doesn't matter.
Then only thing that matters is you have to have an offer that has been proven to sell, and is already making sales profitably somewhere, before you put it up on paid traffic using Facebook ads.
Otherwise, it won't be the easy way to make $500 a day. It's going be the hard way to make $500 a day.
Now, here's the cool part.
That does not have to be your particular offer, okay? You may not be in business already. You may not have a proven offer. But what you can do, and we have a lot of customers that do this, is they find out somebody else that's got a proven offer out in the market, and then they model that offer.
They're starting with something that's already been selling, something that's already been working.
That's the first step to the easy way to making $500 a day with your ads.
Reverse Engineering
The second step then, is to reverse engineer your competition.
Whether you have your own product or not, if you're going to model somebody, then you already know that you have competitors out there. Especially if it's a proven offer, you know that this stuff works, so you're going to have competition.
No one sits out there alone.
What you want to do is you want to reverse engineer your competition to find out two things.
- How are they advertising?
- How are they converting customers into clicks?
If you know how they're advertising, if you can see their ads, then you know what messaging they're using. You also know what language they're using to get people to click over from an ad to their marketing funnel, which is the process that they're using online to convert their clicks into customers profitably.
If you know these two things, then you already can model their entire business model on how they're converting clicks, so you don't have to figure that out. if you know how they're advertising to get people there, you can model what they're saying in their ads, which is the easy way.
See, most people want to do Facebook ads the hard way, and what they do is they try to figure all this stuff out on their own. They start from complete scratch.
That's going to be the hard way.
The easy way is to start with something that's working and reverse engineer your competitors. This is simply just looking into, how they're advertising and how they're converting their clicks.
Want to make it EVEN EASIER?
You can actually use a lot of cool tools. There's free resources online. There's things like Quantcast (they do have a paid version as well). There are also spy tools like WhatRunsWhere. There's all kinds of software out there that will let you look into companies' marketing funnels. Tools that'll let you look into the ads that they're running, so that you can get all this information. It's not hard to obtain, it's actually really easy to get out there.
Tracking Systems
Now, once you've got your offer, you've reverse engineered your competition, and you have your ads ready (sort of) … You're ready with your ad planning and your marketing funnel, now what you've got to do is you've got to put tracking systems in place, because if you want to know if you're making $500 a day or not, you have to be able to track it!
You'd be surprised… A LOT of people that I talk to don't actually put tracking systems in place, so they have no way of ever measuring how or if their ads are profitable. You really can't tell what's working, what's not working, and you certainly can't tell how much profit you're making per day.
You want to put your tracking systems in place across this whole thing so that you can measure everything that you're doing.
Test, Test, Test!
Now that all that's in place, now you're ready to go into step four, which is to test ads to find the winners.
Create some ads based off of the research that you found, and then you run those ads to your own marketing funnel. With your tracking systems in place, you're going to be able to tell what ads are working and which ads aren't working.
Get rid of the losers!
Once you can see that information, then what you can do is go to step five, which is simply turn off the losers, which are the ones that aren't making money. From there, you increase the budgets on the winners until the math works out to where your profit is $500 per day or more, which is very, very, very easy to obtain on Facebook ads when you go through this whole process.
And it's really THAT simple.
The Misconception:
Do you believe that you have to be some kind of great writer in order to put together Facebook ads that convert?
Well, I'm telling you, that's actually nonsense.
Do you believe that you have to have some kind of mystical settings, or know something that will allow you to target buyers properly on Facebook that's just being held from you?
Well, that's nonsense too.
Do you believe that you actually have to have really deep pockets with a lot of money to burn in order to test and find out what's actually going to work for you, so you can be profitable with Facebook ads?
Well, that's nonsense too.
I look forward to seeing your success.
This is Jason Hornung, to the victor belong the spoils.
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