Confessions of a Digital Ad Man
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[elementor-template id=”1381″] Hey, it's Jason Hornung from JH Media here! In this video, you're going to discover how to analyze your Facebook ad campaign performance data. This is an area that can really, really, really trick a lot of people up and cause a lot of problems. You're going to want to pay attention to
Continue the journey with Jason Hornung as he demonstrates the critical role that satisfied customers play in your ongoing success–and how it ultimately reinforces the bottom line. In Episode 2, Jason highlights success stories to show what’s possible when your business uses effective advertising practices.
Jason shares his unique approach for leveraging cutting-edge advertising strategies to create rapid and sustainable business growth. Confessions of a Digital Ad Man is a behind-the-scenes immersion into the counter-intuitive methodology that produces winning campaigns for some of the world’s top entrepreneurs…
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Along with other critical information that will help you create and scale profitable ad campaigns!
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"Dude. I just looked that the reports for the past 45 days and every dollar you've spent on my campaigns has returned $2.17 back to me. I've Done NOTHING lol. You're basically making me FREE MONEY. Thanks"

Frank Kern
Direct Response internet
marketing consultant
“Thanks to Jason, we’re averaging $100,000 a month on revenue while spending less than $30,000 a month on ads”

Mike Dillard
Founder ,
“Jason has a depth of knowledge most people don’t.”

Mark Ford